Thursday, January 21, 2010

went to see yuya play

da da da , da da da la la la

the other day i saw youth in revolt with alex amber and bryan, it was as good as i thought it would be which is rare now a days haha. go see it you frumpy whores.

went to go hang with yuya last night, cause he was playing at the brit, me and bryan went and scooped up bryonnn cause he lives around a block away from the bar.
haha it was too dark, and i didnt want to wierd ppl out by using flash
yuya okamura

yuya and bryan

and me
we saw this dude in the parking lot, i guess bryonnnn has seen it rolling around and it doesnt sound stock

it does have these dual nascar style boom pipes lol i cant believe i jsut said that, but anyways my best guess is its a v8 of some sort

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

V8's sound sexy, but it kinda ruins it when it's an american one. Japanese Nissan so drop a infiniti V8 if anything.